- To continue to be the voice that connects you with all of the imperative information that you have the right to know.
- To continue to work towards making our neighborhoods safe and offer opportunities for creativity, diversity, and mobility.
To celebrate our rich and multicultural community by changing the perception of our neighborhoods into a more attractive place for new residents and businesses.
I was raised in Alamogordo and attended school in this community from elementary to high school. I graduated from Alamogordo High School and attended Western New Mexico University for one and half years, I continued my education while working full time and obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Indiana University (SB).
I married a resident of Alamogordo; Edward McDonald and I grew up here together. We have five children, ten grandchildren and a generation to come that will forever keep us young at heart.
As a resident of Alamogordo, New Mexico, you always have an extended family including neighbors, classmates, church members, old and new friends from near and far. They are people you never forget and make this community an amazing place to get together for reunions. We always pick up where we left off and have a great time.
My professional experiences include a little bit of everything from clerical to a manager of employee benefits. I find that helping people makes a job worth doing.
I have devoted my time and energy to organizations that help our community, schools, businesses, families, children, and education for a more resilient town. I love working hard for the citizens of District 5 to help beautify our neighborhoods. I enjoy working the polls at election time and attending Chamber of Commerce meetings, just to know what is happening with people around our community. I’ve championed the Dudley School redevelopment and was recently awarded the White Sands Rotary Club Professional Person of the Year Award for 2023, as a result of my community service, to include the annual District 5 Cleanup Initiative.
I love to walk, watch sports, travel, hang out with family and friends and enjoy good food.
I would like to know:
- How do you see District 5?
- What improvements would you like to see in District 5?
- What suggestions do you have for District 5?
Questions or Comments? Call 575-295-2155 or email [email protected]
“Thank you for reelecting me to my second term as a commissioner for District 5. We have made great strides for our district to include….
- Dudley School Rehabilitation (In progress)
- Sacramento Family Park (Opened January 19, 2023)
- Blight Removal (example lot next to Dudley School, etc.)
- Yearly District 5 Cleanup (3rd week every July)
- Sidewalk Improvement (Community Development Block Grant) has begun from 2nd to 8th Streets. (In progress)
- New York Avenue Alley Way Beautification to include Seating, Artwork and Walking Path (East Alley Completed November 25th, 2024)
- Alamogordo MainStreet New York Avenue Facelift and Cityscape Improvement (Survey work in process, shovel work to begin late 2024 into 2025)
- Maryland Street Community Garden’s Partnership with City of Alamogordo, Dudley Community Center and managed by With Many Hands -Alamogordo, New Mexico
- Ink Well Innovation Center MainStreet Business District (Business and Technology Incubator)
In the press..
Maryland Street Gardens Ribbon Cutting
Alamogordo Public Schools Winter Wonderland
Sharon McDonald Interview with Anthony Lucero KALHradio.org
News Mentions of Sharon McDonald District Activities:
Dudley School Project Seeking Volunteers and the Chihuahuita Revival
Otero County Registered 54 Candidates for the November Election Complete List
Commissioner Sharon McDonald Awarded Rotary White Sands Professional Person of the Year 2023
Ribbon Cutting of Scenic Drive Extension Grand Opening
2023 Join Alamogordo District 5 Cleanup Hosted by Commissioner Sharon McDonald
A City Commissioner Sharon McDonald Takes Action & Gets It Right